Submissions for Issue 65, Volume 2 are now open. 

Submissions may include works of art, prose, poetry, nonfiction, music, videography and more. University of Tennessee students, faculty, staff, and alumni may submit up to 5 (five) works.  An artist statement is not required, but encouraged.

We ask that you remove your name from all documents and save files as the title of the work and your name (example: TitleOfWork_FirstLast).  This ensures our anonymous selection process.

We look forward to seeing your work!

How We Decide

All authors and artists are chosen solely based on the merits of their work.

Submissions are initially reviewed by the appropriate section head (art, poetry, or prose) where first-round decisions and cuts are made.

After first-round decisions, the entire staff discusses the highest reviewed works from each category. Our entire staff then considers every piece in detail at a group meeting. Ultimately, the Phoenix editorial staff has the final say in what will make it into the magazine. However, the magazine is a collaborative effort, and we value the opinions of all of our staff members

Finally, once our staff has identified the best works in a season, the editors work together with our lead designer to determine where a piece should in up in the magazine. Pieces that don't make the cut will also be considered for a place on our website. 

Our goal is to publish the highest quality work submitted by students, faculty, staff, and alumni from the University of Tennessee. We strive to promote the arts in all forms and are dedicated to providing a quality product for our community. 

Tea for Two - Baxter Stults

Cheesecloth Abstraction - Tatiana Tikhonova

Uncontrollable - Alyssa Shriver

Uncertainty - Madison Mayers